There are several options to help you afford adoption. You can take out loans, fundraising through GoFundMe, garage sales, apply for grants, or develop a savings plan. How can anyone afford adoption?
There are many other ways you can fundraise your adoption. You can share baby bottles with your friends and family and ask them to put spare change in them. You can ask members of the community to donate items for a silent action. You can have a bake sale or make jewelry to sell. The possibilities are endless.
There are many grants and loan options available if you research the available options. Check out the affording adoption guide on this site.
Affording adoption also means making it a priority for your family. This may mean finding additional employment and/or cutting back on nonessentials. It can seem like a challenge, but remember that you are growing your family and that your child is important to you. You will need to align your financial priorities with your family’s priorities.