While adoptive parents and those hoping to adopt are much more likely to be spending money in the adoption process, some families do receive money throughout the process or after finalization.

When adopting through foster care families may qualify for stipends from the state, with the provision that the money goes toward the care of the children they are fostering to adopt. Qualified expenses can include clothing, toys, food, daycare and medical expenses. Once the adoption is finalized and your child is no longer in foster care, however, the income from providing foster care is also finalized.

In private adoptions, especially those deemed special needs, it is possible for adoptive parents to apply for and receive grants to go toward the expenses of the adoption. Most of these grants are awarded by private organizations and may be attached to specific agencies or specific children who are awaiting adoption.  Many international special needs adoptions offer substantial grants in order to ensure that children with different abilities are able to be adopted before they “age out” of their country’s orphanages. Applying for these grants may require a few additional steps in your adoption, but they can help a family afford a private adoption.

In addition to private agency funds, many employers, including the U.S. military, offer reimbursements to families post-finalization. Most require proof of adoption and finalization, and specific requirements vary from corporation to corporation. Talk to your company’s human resources department about programs that they offer to offset legal fees and agency costs.

Finally, one of the most common ways that adoptive families receive money is in the form of federal adoption tax credits. Like other reimbursements, they require a finalized adoption before you can apply, and have a cap on how much you will receive per year. Be sure and ask your accountant if you qualify for a tax break!

Written by Jennifer Galan.