Making the decision to place your baby for adoption is a tough one. The next step is almost as hard: who should adopt your baby? It can be overwhelming and hard to know where to start. Here are four ways you can find a family to adopt your baby.

Word of mouth

When you start to tell people about your adoption plan, without a doubt you will hear all about so-and-so’s friend/cousin/coworker who is looking to adopt. Sometimes this can get frustrating. You might be overwhelmed by too many suggestions, or feel pressured to place with someone you’re not comfortable with. If you don’t want to place with someone recommended to you, you are in no way obligated. However, sometimes it can be a good thing. If you value the opinion of the person telling you about the hopeful adoptive family, it might be worth looking into.

Parent Profiles

The Parent Profiles are a great place to start your search for an adoptive family. There are hundreds of hopeful parents to browse through. Since it’s online, there is no pressure to contact a family. You can search for specific criteria, such as location or level of education. If you find a family you like, you can contact them and get to know them before making a final decision.

Social Media

Many parents who are looking to adopt have set up social media accounts to document their adoption journey. Oftentimes they will post fun facts about their family, their feelings about adoption, and their day-to-day lives. Adoption blogs or Facebook/Instagram accounts are a great way to get a good look into the lives of a hopeful adoptive family. Searching #hopingtoadopt #hopefuladoptiveparent or similar adoption related hashtags on Facebook or Instagram will lead to dozens of accounts you can look through.


Adoption agencies will provide profiles of families that are working with them. Most of the time you will go into the agency, and they will give you profiles in the form of a book. You can select one or ask questions, but it is typically the agency that talks to them rather than you directly.

No matter how you search for a family, always go with your gut. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Remember that it’s okay to be picky. You aren’t obligated to place with someone that you don’t feel will be the best family for your baby, no matter what anyone else says. When you find the right family, your mother’s intuition will let you know.

Considering adoption? Choose a family to adopt your child. Visit Parent Profiles on or call 1-800-ADOPT-98. 

Annaleece Merrill is a birth mother to the cutest little girl on earth. She loves being an advocate for open adoption by writing, mentoring, and speaking at adoption panels. She attends Utah State University in Logan, Utah.